Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Lucky Billy" by John Vernon

While the story itself is indeed impressive, John Vernon’s writing style is something of a challenge to follow.   If one attempts a basic casual read through its pages, as I often would, where distractions could abound, much of the action and intent of the characters would be lost.  If one reads in an environment where the book is the sole focus, as I managed when engaged in the chapter where Billy meets with Lew Wallace, appointed governor to the New Mexico territory in 1878, Civil War general, and author of ‘Ben Hur’, the earthiness of the story, as well as the texture of the characters can be found.  It is a worthwhile story to hear, as Billy the Kid was more than just another character in Western folklore.  Vernon breathes some humanity into his ruthlessness.  It’s just a matter of brushing off some of the Wild West dust.


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